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Fat Removal With Smartlipo™

Liposculpture, Liposuction, Smartlipo™

December 04, 2015 | 2 minute read

While a healthy diet and regular exercise can significantly tone the body, they cannot necessarily contour every area of the body. Many individuals struggle with having unwanted body fat in stubborn areas. Where diet and exercise fail, Smartlipo™ can remove body fat from trouble areas and tighten the skin to improve the appearance and contours of your body.

Understanding Smartlipo™

Screen-Shot-2015-12-04-at-9.02.01-PMSmartlipo™ is a revolutionary liposuction technique that uses laser energy to melt away unwanted body fat. With laser technology, Smartlipo™ can treat the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, back, breasts, arms, neck, and nearly any other area of the body by removing excess fat and tightening the skin to improve contour. This technology melts the fat so that the body can get rid of it naturally and permanently. The laser heat also stimulates collagen production so that the skin will naturally tighten and tone over the following weeks.

Benefits of Smartlipo™

As a minimally invasive procedure, Smartlipo™ offers many benefits over traditional liposuction, including:

  • Screen-Shot-2015-12-04-at-9.03.11-PMSkin tightening
  • No general anesthesia
  • Extended treatment areas
  • Increased precision for more subtle changes
  • Improved recovery experience
  • Decreased recovery time

Good Candidates

Ideal candidates for Smartlipo™ will first and foremost have realistic expectations about the procedure. They must also be at least 18 years of age and be in good physical and emotional health. Since Smartlipo™ is not a weight loss procedure, patients should be at or near their ideal body weight. They should also have a desire to eliminate troublesome fat from stubborn areas of their bodies that have not responded well to diet and exercise.

Liposculpture: an Alternate Procedure

Even though many individuals will qualify for Smartlipo™ treatment, some may not fit the necessary criteria. During your consultation with Dr. O’Neil, he will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Nonetheless, patients who do not qualify for Smartlipo™ can still benefit from liposculpture. Liposculpture vacuums fat cells out of the body and can improve the appearance of the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, back, pubic area, breasts, knees, arms, jawline, and neck.

To find out if you qualify for Smartlipo™ or to learn more about Smartlipo™ and liposculpture, schedule your body contouring consultation with Dr. Kelly O’Neil today. Call (888) 820-5762 or fill out our online contact form to book your appointment today.

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