in Temecula, CA
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When diet and exercise fail to produce satisfying results, many people choose to undergo liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits. While effective, liposuction is meant to do only one thing, remove fat tissue. For this reason, we offer liposculpture at O’Neil Skin & Lipo Medical Center.
What Is Liposculpture?
Liposculpture is a cosmetic procedure that refines body contours by removing excess fat deposits. It uses a cannula to suction out unwanted pockets of stubborn fat from targeted areas—such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks—to enhance definition and symmetry. As a more effective form of liposuction, liposculpture can literally sculpt the body in addition to removing localized deposits of fat.
What Are the Benefits of Liposculpture?
- Requires only local anesthetic (no general anesthetic)
- Uses smaller incisions than traditional liposuction (minimal scarring)
- Removes and transfers fat deposits
- Improves body contours
- Provides longlasting results
Am I a Candidate for Liposculpture?
Fat Transfer
The best candidates for liposculpture lead a healthy lifestyle but have areas of fat deposits that are resistant to normal weight-loss techniques. Liposculpture is not intended to be a weight-loss solution. It is important that patients don’t view liposculpture as a form of weight loss and that they have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
Liposculpture effectively improves the following areas of the body:
- Chin (jawline) and neck
- Arms
- Abdomen (upper and lower)
- Hips & thighs
- Buttocks (reduce or augment with fat transfer)
- Back
- Waist
- Knees
- Pubic area
- Breasts (reduction or fat transfer enlargement)
- Chest
What Can I Expect During My Initial Consultation for Liposculpture?
During your consultation, you will be asked various questions pertaining to your personal health, including:
- Why do you desire liposculpture?
- Do you have any medical conditions?
- Are you taking any vitamins or herbal supplements?
- Have you undergone previous weight-loss procedures?
How Is Liposculpture Performed?
Liposculpture takes about two hours to perform, depending on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat removed. After local anesthesia is delivered to ease discomfort, Dr. O’Neil makes tiny incisions in targeted areas where he inserts a cannula (thin hollow tube) to remove the unwanted fat deposits. After contouring the treated areas, he closes the incisions with sutures.

* Every case is different and results do vary. I will be able to address your individual case during your consultation.
How Long Is Recovery From Liposculpture?
Once the liposculpture procedure is complete, bandages are placed on the incisions, and compression garments are wrapped around the body to reduce swelling. Prescribed medication and cold compresses can also alleviate discomfort during the next few days. Most patients feel well enough to return to work 2-3 days after liposculpture, and they should avoid any strenuous physical activities and exercises for 1 week.
When Will I See My Liposculpture Results?
Although liposculpture results may not exist immediately after the procedure, a noticeably improved physique is expected over the coming weeks as your body returns to its normal state. While the results of liposculpture are expected to be lasting, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will ensure your “new look” lasts many years.
Customizable, Natural-looking Results
- Non-surgical Gallery
- Facial Rejuvenation Gallery
- Natural Breast Augmentation Gallery
- Body Contouring Gallery
Liposculpture FAQ
Is liposculpture painful?
Local anesthesia and intramuscular anesthetic with a sedative will ensure your comfort during the procedure. Although some discomfort is expected during your recovery, prescribed medication will considerably diminish any pain you may experience. Postoperative soreness is usually handled adequately with Aleve or Ibuprofen.
Can I drive myself home after liposculpture?
No. You will need to have someone drive you home after the procedure since you will still be under the effects of the anesthesia.
How much does liposculpture cost in Temecula, CA?
The exact cost of treatment varies from patient to patient and depends on the number of areas that are resculpted. The total price of your procedure will be determined during your consultation. The minimum cost is $2000 for a small area such as the chin or knees.
Is the cost of liposculpture covered by insurance?
Since liposculpture is an entirely elective procedure, the cost of treatment is not covered by insurance.
Dr. Kelly O’Neil has extensive experience in performing liposculpture and strives to provide each of his patients with the most satisfying results possible. To schedule your consultation, contact our practice by calling (951) 296-1690 or by filling out our online contact form today.
Temecula Office
40971 Winchester Rd.
Temecula, CA 92591
(951) 296-1690
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Aliso Viejo Office
24541 Pacific Park Dr. Suite #103
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
(949) 234-7692
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Sherman Oaks Office
4836 Van Nuys Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 457-1902
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