Dr. Kelly O’Neil
About O’Neil Skin & Lipo Medical Center
Thank you for your interest in the O’Neil Skin and Lipo Medical Center, your finest choice for cosmetic surgery. My practice is dedicated to providing top quality work and maximum results with a natural look and conscientious care.
We specialize in Body Contouring (since 1994) and Skin Rejuvenation (since 1981).
Skin Rejuvenation at the O’Neil Skin and Lipo Medical Center is extremely unique in the cosmetic world for improving age and beauty. This unique non-surgical method of rejuvenation is second to none in quality, safety and results. It is a credit to Dr. Kelly O’Neil’s success and recognition in the medical field that other physicians frequently come to him for advice and training on this procedure. He has lectured on his methods at both cosmetic surgery and dermatology conventions.
Many of our clients travel here from out of the area and even from out of the country, to benefit from this unique alternative to facelift surgery.
About Dr. Kelly O’Neil
Kelly J. O’Neil, M.D, founder and director of the O’Neil Skin and Lipo Medical Center, has lived in the Temecula Valley since 1981. He is a licensed physician and surgeon in the state of California and Idaho and a cosmetic surgeon as well. A graduate of the prestigious Tulane University Medical School in New Orleans, Dr. Kelly O’Neil completed his post-graduate training at the University Of California Medical Center in Sacramento, California. He has been engaged in private practice in Riverside County since 1981.
Dr. Kelly O’Neil is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.
“I love my work”. It is extremely rewarding and I feel very fortunate to have been able to change thousands of people’s lives with confidence and overwhelming satisfaction.
My practice has expanded over the years into many new areas and techniques. I have worked hard to keep the practice confined to “less invasive” or “non-surgical” procedures. These are safer and less expensive. But most importantly, I have chosen procedures which provide maximum results but still look natural.
Request A ConsultationTemecula Office
40971 Winchester Rd.
Temecula, CA 92591
(951) 296-1690
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Aliso Viejo Office
24541 Pacific Park Dr. Suite #103
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
(949) 234-7692
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Sherman Oaks Office
4836 Van Nuys Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 457-1902
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