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The Benefits of Dr. O’Neil’s Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

Non-Surgical, Skin Rejuvenation, Skin Treatments

December 23, 2015 | 2 minute read

Skin-Tightening-Before-After-PhotosWhen it comes to tightening the facial skin to eliminate wrinkles and imperfections, there are many options available. Chemical peels, laser peels, dermabrasion, and even surgical procedures like the facelift can provide wonderful results. However, Dr. O’Neil’s approach to non-surgical skin tightening gives patients the best chance at the most beautifully even and noticeably smooth skin.

Even Penetration

The standard approach with chemical peels or dermabrasion involves three to five minutes worth of skin preparation. The skin preparation step is necessary to remove bacteria and dead skin before removing the layer of damaged skin with the treatment. While Dr. O’Neil’s approach involves a little more time, it is more efficient and provides a far better result. He prepares the skin with a thorough four-stage process that lasts 25 to 30 minutes. This allows for deeper and more even penetration than with the standard approach.

Gentler Treatment

When only a small amount of time is spent preparing the skin, many doctors must compensate by using harsher chemicals to get the desired result. Harsher chemicals heighten the risk of uneven skin tone, discoloration, scarring, bleaching, and more discomfort during the week-long recovery period. Dr. O’Neil helps prevent these risks by gently scrubbing the solution into the skin rather than painting it on like with the conventional approach. The treatment takes two hours as opposed to the popular “lunch hour” skin-tightening treatment that can be completed in 30 minutes, but superior results are far more likely and are well-worth the extra effort.

Lasting Results

Dr. O’Neil’s efficient treatment process can more thoroughly remove deep-set wrinkles and provide patients with the balanced skin tone they desire. More collagen and elastin fibers are produced, and the results last longer than with the conventional approach, especially in patients who do not smoke.

Combining Treatment With Surgery

If your wrinkles are very deep or if you have significant sagging skin in the lower face or neck, a neck lift may be a better option for you. Non-surgical skin tightening can be used along with a neck lift to improve the health and appearance of the skin and to enhance the results of the procedure.

If you are interested in the long-lasting results of one of Dr. O’Neil’s non-surgical treatments, please call 951-296-1690 today or fill out our online contact form for more information.

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